Nail Salon Insurance

From filing to polishing to waxing, you do it all while giving your clients the best experience possible. Having the right nail salon insurance will help you give your customers what they need while protecting you as you work.

What Insurance Does a Nail Tech Need?

We work with nail techs to get them customized coverage that fits their unique needs. Our nail technician insurance was made to fit nail salon businesses, keeping you covered from the risks you face on the job. When choosing which types of insurance to have, most start with business insurance coverage. This can help give you basic protection you’ll need as you work.

  • General liability insurance helps protect your business from claims of bodily injuries, property damage, and reputational harm.
  • Professional liability insurance can help cover claims of errors or omissions in your professional services.

Do You Have To Be Insured To Do Nails?

To protect your business as a nail salon owner, you need insurance coverage. We can help you choose which types of insurance you need, but at a minimum, you should have liability coverage. This insurance protects you from risks and accidents that you face daily. Depending on where you live, you’ll also most likely need workers’ compensation coverage, which most states require. Other beauty businesses that may also need coverage are:

  • Hair Salon Owners
  • Cosmetologists
  • Cosmetic Retail Stores

Protecting Your Nail Salon’s Operations

Running a nail salon can be stressful. From keeping up with chores to managing appointments to dealing with clients, there’s always a task to keep you busy. That’s why we created specialized insurance coverage, made to keep you protected so you can stay focused on your to-do list. Coverage can include:

  • Data Breach
  • Customer Injury

Taking Care of Your Nail Salon’s Team

From nail technicians to manicurists to schedulers, it takes a whole team to keep your nail salon running. We know how important each employee is and how much you rely on them to serve your clients. That’s why having business insurance to help protect them on the job is so important. Coverage can include:

  • Employee Injury
  • Client Lawsuit

Protecting Your Nail Salon’s Property

You rely on some expensive equipment to serve your clients every day. Making sure they’re covered with commercial property insurance ensures it all stays protected – from the tools you use to the space you work. Coverage can include:

  • Stolen Supplies
  • Car Accident