Painters Insurance
Running a painting business involves more than just applying paint to surfaces. At Baldon Insurance Group, we understand the unique risks you face and offer comprehensive painters insurance that’s thoughtfully crafted for your needs. Our goal is to provide the right coverage to keep your business protected and thriving.
The Protection You Need for Your Painting Business
Whether you’re climbing ladders or lifting heavy buckets of paint, you face risks on the job. That’s why we offer painters insurance that you can customize to fit your needs perfectly.
What Kind of Insurance Do Painters Need?
The business insurance coverages you need for your painting business depend on the services you offer. In general, painting businesses can benefit from:
Commercial Property Insurance
This helps protect owned or rented property that you use to operate your business, like your building or equipment.
Workers’ Compensation Insurance
This provides benefits to employees with a work-related injury or illness. It helps pay for their medical expenses and lost wages.
Commercial Auto Insurance
This covers the costs of an auto accident while you or an employee uses a company-owned car for business.
General Liability Insurance
This helps cover claims that your business caused bodily injury or property damage to others.
Professional Liability Insurance
This covers errors or omissions in your professional services.
To learn more about painting business insurance, get a quote from us today. We can also help you get a certificate of insurance for your business, providing proof of coverage to your clients.
Who Needs Painting Contractor Insurance?
Our business insurance helps protect various types of painting businesses, including:
- Painting contractors
- Restoration painters
- Industrial painters
To learn how to protect your business with the right painting contractor insurance coverage, get a quote today.
How Much Does Painting Insurance Cost?
The costs for business insurance for a painting business depend on the types of coverages you need. On average, our customers pay about $67 a month for general liability insurance. To learn more about what your painter insurance costs will be, get a quote today. We specialize in helping small business owners get the right type of insurance for their specific company.
Protecting Your Property
We know how much you’ve invested in your equipment, tools, and business. That’s why we offer business insurance coverage that you can count on to keep it protected. This can include coverage for:
- Property Damage
- Equipment Damage
Taking Care of Your Team
Your team keeps your business running successfully. That’s why we offer business insurance that can help keep them protected on the job site. This can include coverage for:
- Injured Workers
- Car Collision
Covering Your Operations
We know you value your business and the customers that support it. That’s why we offer business insurance that covers your everyday operations. Coverage options can include:
- Cyber Protection
- Customer Injuries